Your Guide To Computer Science Fundamentals

Oliver Jumpertz
15 min readNov 23, 2022
Your Guide To Computer Science Fundamentals

Computer science fundamentals are the foundation of any software developer’s job. Starting with how a computer works, over logic, maths, algorithms, and data structures, and ending with networking and I/O. Any developer should at least have basic knowledge about these fundamentals. This is why Your Guide to Computer Science Fundamentals exists.

Many of the concepts presented in this guide are things you will just use on a day-to-day basis as a developer, others are used less frequently. The important part is still having some knowledge about them in the back of your head.

This guide comes with a mix of practical advice and a collection of learning resources you can use to advance your knowledge in the respective fields. While this guide can probably be read within a few minutes, you will need way longer to fully understand all the topics covered.

What Fundamentals are And why they are Important

Fundamentals are concepts, and maybe even techniques, that you can apply in multiple areas and multiple programming languages. They are not tied to anything specific and are sometimes pretty theoretical.

The importance of these fundamentals comes from the fact that they build the structure the rest of your programming and development knowledge is…

