5 Tips That Helped Me Grow As A Developer

Oliver Jumpertz
3 min readFeb 6, 2022
5 Tips That Helped Me Grow As A Developer

Depending on what you try to achieve in life, you might want to advance in your career or simply in the profession of a software developer. Perhaps you want to become really good before you start your own business or you want to climb a corporate ladder.

No matter what your motivation is, growing as a developer does not only have a lot to do with your hard skills, it’s also about soft skills and your own mental model. There are five tips, as far as I can recall, that helped me immensely to grow as a software developer. Let me share them with you in the hope of them helping you as much as they helped me.

Learn To Listen

Listening is more important than talking. If someone has something to say, listen to them. Don’t interrupt them. If you have questions about certain aspects of what they say, write them down. Then ask those questions later and talk about it together.

Accept You Don’t Know Everything

Software engineering is too broad and too deep as if anyone could really know everything. You need to accept that and understand that your peers all have their own experiences. Use this to your advantage. If you’re stuck, ask for help.

You’ll Never Catch All Corner Cases

